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Shaahin Angizi

Assistant Professor @ NJIT


I (Shaahin Angizi) am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Newark, NJ, USA, and the director of the ACAD Lab. 

I completed my doctoral studies in Electrical Engineering at the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe, AZ.

My group research interests include the cross-layer (device/circuit/architecture/algorithm/application) co-design of energy-efficient and high-performance systems with the following directions:

  • Accelerator Design for Big Data Applications: Deep Learning, Bioinformatics, Graph Processing, etc.

  • Low Power and Area-Efficient In-Sensor Computing for IoT 

  • In-Memory Computing with Volatile & Non-Volatile Memories

  • Memory Security Solutions for Large-scale Deep Learning Applications

  • Low-power VLSI circuits



  • [Feb 25]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ICCAD 2025.

  • [Jan 25]: Our paper “Neuro-Photonix: Enabling Near-Sensor Neuro-Symbolic AI Computing on Silicon Photonics Substrate” is accepted to IEEE TCASAI! Congratulations to Deniz and Mehrdad!

  • [Jan 25]: I am invited to serve as the TPC track chair for GLSVLSI 2025.

  • [Jan 25]: Our paper "SA-DS: A Dataset for Large Language Model-Driven AI Accelerator Design Generation" is accepted to ISCAS 2025! 

  • [Dec 24]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ISLPED 2025.

  • [Dec 24]: Our paper “PINSim: A Processing In- and Near-Sensor Simulator to Model Intelligent Vision Sensors” is accepted to IEEE CAL.

  • [Nov 24]: Our paper "SPICEPilot: Navigating SPICE Code Generation and Simulation with AI Guidance" is accepted to IEEE ICRC! Congratulations to new ACAD Lab members, Deepak and Sakila!

  • [Nov 24]: Two papers are accepted in DATE 2025!

  • [Oct 24]: Our paper "Assessing the Potential of Escalating RowHammer Attack Distance to Bypass Counter-based Defenses" is accepted to IEEE TCAD. Congratulations Ranyang!

  • [Oct 24]: Our paper "APRIS: Approximate Processing ReRAM In-Sensor Architecture Enabling Artificial-Intelligence-Powered Edge" is accepted to IEEE TETC.

  • [Oct 24]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for DAC 2025.

  • [Sep 24]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ISVLSI 2025.

  • [Sep 24]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for CODAI 2025.

  • [Aug 24]: Two papers are accepted in IEEE Embedded Systems Letters.

  • [July 24]: NSF Grant Award received for "Infrared Retinomorphic Vision"

  • [July 24]: Mehrdad is awarded the NSF Travel Grant of IEEE ISVLSI 2024! Congratulations!

  • [June 24]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for PAINE 2024.

  • [June 24]: Deniz is awarded the IEEE/ACM DAC'61 Young Fellows Travel Grant and the Presentation Award! Congratulations!

  • [May 24]: Our paper titled "DECO: Dynamic Energy-Aware Compression and Optimization for In-Memory Neural Networks" is accepted to MWSCAS 2024.

  • [May 24]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ICCD 2024.

  • [April 24]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ICONS 2024.

  • [April 24]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ICCAD 2024.

  • [April 24]: Our paper titled "RACSen: Residue Arithmetic and Chaotic Processing in Sensors to Enhance CMOS Imager Security" is accepted to GLSVLSI 2024.

  • [Feb 24]: Our paper titled "Deep-TROJ: An Inference Stage Trojan Insertion Algorithm through Efficient Weight Replacement Attack" is accepted to CVPR 2024.

  • [Feb 24]: Three papers are accepted to DAC 2024.

  • [Feb 24]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ISVLSI 2024.

  • [Feb 24]: Our paper “Enabling Normally-off In-Situ Computing with a Magneto-Electric FET-based SRAM Design” is accepted to IEEE TED.

  • [Feb 24]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for GLSVLSI 2024.

  • [Jan 24]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ISLPED 2024.

  • [Jan 24]: Our paper “Semi-decentralized Inference in Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks for Traffic Demand Forecasting: An Edge-Computing Approach” is accepted to IEEE TVT.

  • [Dec 23]: Professor Onur Mutlu of ETH Zurich will be visiting ACAD-Lab and giving a talk on RowHammer.

  • [Nov 23]: Three papers are accepted to DATE 2024.

  • [Oct 23]: Our paper “Deep Mapper: A Multi-Channel Single-Cycle Near-Sensor DNN Accelerator” is accepted to ICRC 2023.

  • [Oct 23]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for DAC 2024.

  • [Sep 23]: SRC Grant Award received for "Revolutionizing In-Sensor Processing with AI Acceleration and Integration". 

  • [Sep 23]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for DATE 2024.

  • [Sep 23]: NSF Grant Award received for "CSR: Small: Cross-Layer Solutions Enabling Instant Computing for Edge Intelligence Devices". 

  • [Sep 23]: We host the 2nd Seasonal School on Intelligent Memory & Sensor at the Edge (IMS 2023) on October 10th, 2023.

  • [Aug 23]: Deniz joined ACAD Lab as a new Ph.D. student. Welcome Deniz!

  • [Aug 23]: Our paper “PiPSim: A Behavior-Level Modeling Tool for CNN Processing-in-Pixel Accelerators” is accepted to IEEE TCAD.

  • [July 23]: I am invited to give a talk at Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) Open Journal Webinar Series. If interested, register here.

  • [July 23]: I have been selected as an Honorary Member of the National Academy of Inventor (NAI).

  • [July 23]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ISQED 2024.

  • [July 23]: Our paper "Ocellus: Highly Parallel Convolution-in-Pixel Scheme Realizing Power-Delay-Efficient Edge Intelligence" has been selected as the Best Paper Candidate in ISLPED 2023.

  • [July 23]: Our paper “Design and Evaluation of a Near-Sensor Magneto-Electric FET-based Event Detector” is accepted to IEEE TED.

  • [July 23]: Our paper “PISA: A Non-Volatile Processing-In-Sensor Accelerator for Imaging Systems” is accepted to IEEE TETC.

  • [June 23]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ICCD 2023.

  • [June 23]: Our paper “Comparative Study of Low Bit-width DNN Accelerators: Opportunities and Challenges” is accepted to MWSCAS 2023.

  • [June 23]: Our paper “Near-Sensor Processing Accelerator for Approximate Local Binary Pattern Networks” is accepted to IEEE TETC.

  • [June 23]: ACAD Lab received the Best Paper Award in GLSVLSI 2023. Congratulations to Mehrdad and team!

  • [May 23]: Our paper “Ocellus: Highly Parallel Convolution-in-Pixel Scheme Realizing Power-Delay-Efficient Edge Intelligence” is accepted to ISLPED 2023.

  • [April 23]: Our paper "IMA-GNN: In-Memory Acceleration of Centralized and Decentralized Graph Neural Networks at the Edge" has been selected as the Best Paper Candidate in GLSVLSI 2023. Congratulations to Mehrdad!

  • [April 23]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ICCAD 2023.

  • [April 23]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for NOCS 2023.

  • [Ma23]: Two papers are accepted to GLSVLSI 2023.

  • [Mar 23]: Ranyang, Mehrdad, and Nakul presented our latest research at Computer Architecture Day at Princeton University. 

  • [Mar 23]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ICONS 2023.

  • [Feb 23]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ISVLSI 2023.

  • [Feb 23]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for GLSVLSI 2023.

  • [Feb 23]: Our paper “AppCiP: Energy-Efficient Approximate Convolution-in-Pixel Scheme for Neural Network Acceleration” is accepted to IEEE JETCAS.

  • [Jan 23]: IEEE CAS Grant for Seasonal School on Intelligent Memory & Sensor at the Edge (IMS 2023).  

  • [Jan 23]: Our paper “XOR-CiM: An Efficient Computing-in-SOT-MRAM Design for Binary Neural Network Acceleration” is accepted to ISQED 2023.

  • [Jan 23]: Our paper “NeSe: Near-Sensor Event-Driven Scheme for Low Power Energy Harvesting Sensors” is accepted to ISCAS 2023.

  • [Jan 23]: Our paper “Aligner-D: Leveraging in-DRAM Computing to Accelerate DNA Short Read Alignment” is accepted to IEEE JETCAS.

  • [Jan 23]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ISLPED 2023.

  • [Dec 22]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for the tinyML Research Symposium 2023.

  • [Nov 22]: Our paper “P-PIM: A Parallel Processing-in-DRAM Framework Enabling RowHammer Protection” is accepted to DATE 2023.

  • [Nov 22]: Our paper “LT-PIM: An LUT-based Processing-in-DRAM Architecture with RowHammer Self-Tracking” is accepted to IEEE CAL.

  • [Oct 22]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for DAC 2023.

  • [Oct 22]: Our paper “Ocelli: Efficient Processing-in-Pixel Array Enabling Edge Inference of Ternary Neural Networks” is accepted to the Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications.

  • [Sep 22]: Our paper “MR-PIPA: An Integrated Multi-level RRAM (HfOx) based Processing-In-Pixel Accelerator” is accepted to IEEE JXCDC.

  • [Sep 22]: NSF Grant Award received for "Collaborative Research: Integrated Sensing and Normally-off Computing for Edge Imaging Systems".

  • [Sep 22]: Our paper “semiMul: Floating-Point Free Implementations for Efficient and Accurate Neural Network Training” is accepted to ICMLA'22.

  • [Aug 22]: NSF Grant Award received for "CNS Core: Small: Toward Opportunistic, Fast, and Robust In-Cache AI Acceleration at the Edge"

  • [Aug 22]: Our paper “Energy-Efficient Recurrent Neural Network with MRAM-based Probabilistic Activation Functions” is accepted to IEEE TETC.

  • [Aug 22]: Our paper “TizBin: A Low-Power Image Sensor with Event and Object Detection Using Efficient Processing-in-Pixel Schemes” is accepted to ICCD'22.

  • [Aug 22]: Our paper “Enabling Intelligent IoTs for Histopathology Image Analysis Using Convolutional Neural Networks” is accepted to Micromachines.

  • [Aug 22]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ISQED 2023.

  • [July 22]: I am invited to serve as a Track Chair for VLSID 2023.

  • [July 22]: Our paper “ReD-LUT: Reconfigurable In-DRAM LUTs Enabling Massive Parallel Computation” is accepted to ICCAD'22.

  • [July 22]: Our paper “A Processing-in-Pixel Accelerator based on Multi-level HfOx ReRAM” is accepted to ESWEEK CASES'22.

  • [May 22]: Our paper “A 1.23-GHz 16-Kb Programmable and Generic Processing-in-SRAM Accelerator in 65nm” is accepted to ESSCIRC'22.

  • [May 22]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for NOCS 2022.

  • [May 22]: Our paper “FlexiDRAM: A Flexible in-DRAM Framework to Enable Parallel General-Purpose Computation ” is accepted to ISLPED'22.

  • [May 22]: Our paper “Design and Evaluation of a Robust Power-Efficient Ternary SRAM Cell ” is accepted to MWSCAS'22.

  • [May 22]: Our paper “EaseMiss: HW/SW Co-Optimization for Efficient Large Matrix-Matrix Multiply Operations ” is accepted to DCAS'22.

  • [April 22]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ICCD 2022.

  • [Mar 22]: Invited to give an IEEE talk on "Towards Energy-Efficient Domain-Specific In-Sensor and In-Memory Accelerators, From Device to Algorithm".

  • [Mar 22]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ICCAD 2022.

  • [Mar 22]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ISVLSI 2022.

  • [Feb 22]: Our paper “Efficient Targeted Bit-Flip Attack Against the Local Binary Pattern Network” is accepted to HOST'22.

  • [Feb 22]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for GLSVLSI 2022.

  • [Jan 22]: I am invited to serve as a Panelist on the Mondays in Memory (MiM) Webinar Series.

  • [Jan 22]: Our paper “SCiMA: a Generic Single-Cycle Compute-in-Memory Acceleration Scheme for Matrix Computations” is accepted to ISCAS'22.

  • [Dec 21]: Our paper “ReFACE: Efficient Design Methodology for Acceleration of Digital Filter Implementations” is accepted to ISQED'22.

  • [Nov 21]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for VLSID 2022.

  • [Oct 21]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for DAC 2022.

  • [Oct 21]: I am invited to serve as a TPC member for ISQED 2022.

  • [Aug 21]: Our paper “MeF-RAM: A New Non-Volatile Cache Memory Based on Magneto-Electric FET” is accepted to ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES).

  • [Aug 21]: "Neuromorphic Computing: From Material to Algorithm (NeuMA)" workshop program at IEEE IGSC 2021 is now finalized.

  • [July 21]: Our paper “RNSiM: Efficient Deep Neural Network Accelerator Using Residue Number Systems” is accepted to the 40th International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), 2021.

  • [April 21]: Our paper “Processing-in-Memory Acceleration of MAC-based Applications Using Residue Number System: A Comparative Study” in collaboration with UNL is accepted to the 31st edition of GLSVLSI.

  • [Feb 21]: Two papers are accepted to 58th DAC.

Academic Activities and Services:

Dr. Angizi has authored and co-authored more than 130 research articles in top-ranked international journals and top-tier electronic design automation conferences such as IEEE TCAD, IEEE TC, IEEE TCASI, IEEE TETC, DAC, DATE, ICCAD, ASP-DAC, etc. He received the “Best Ph.D. research award” at the Design Automation Conference’s Ph.D. forum in 2018, two “Best Paper” awards at the IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) in 2017 and 2018, and two “Best Paper” awards at the ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI in 2019 and 2023. He serves as the Associate Editor or IEEE TMAG. He has also served as a technical reviewer for over 30 international journals/conferences, such as IEEE TC, TETC, TVLSI, TCAD, TNANO, TCAS, ESL, ACM JETC, MICRO, DAC, ASP-DAC, DATE, ICCAD, ICCD, GLSVLSI, ISVLSI, etc.

Selected Awards and Distinctions:

2024   NSF EPMD Grant Award

2023   SRC AIHW Grant Award

2023   NSF CSR Grant Award

2023   Best Paper Award of 2023 ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), Knoxville, Tennessee, USA​

2022   NSF CNS Core Grant Award

2022   NSF CCSS Grant Award

2019   Best Paper Award of 2019 ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), Washington, D.C., USA​

2018   Best Ph.D. Research Award (1st-place) of 2018 Ph.D. Forum at Design Automation Conference (DAC), San Francisco, CA, USA​

2018   Best Paper Award of 2018 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), Hong Kong, China​

2018   Featured Paper of October-December 2018 issue of IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing​

2017   Best Paper Award of 2017 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), Bochum, Germany​

Events & Seminars at ACAD Lab:

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